How we came to be...
In September of 2017, Hurricanes Irma and Maria, two of the strongest storms to hit the region in decades, tore a path of destruction through the Caribbean islands and Puerto Rico causing tremendous damage and loss of life, while leaving over 1 million Puerto Ricans without electricity for months.
Our sister affiliates, Beachview Energy and Military & Disaster Solutions brought in teams of professionals to set up base camps, provide logistics management, power generation and other operational services in support of hundreds of power line workers from states as far away as Texas.
Working hand in hand with FEMA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as well as some of the largest power companies in the United States, our teams were priviliged to play a part in Puerto Rico's restoration.

Working hand in hand with Puerto Rico...
To help us accomplish this formidable task, our affiliates utilized hundreds of reliable and hardworking Puerto Rican workers, many of which were working 12-hour days for weeks on end.
Because of the extraordinary effort of our joint teams, our operation was one of the most efficient on the island and became one of the longer contracts held in place by the Army Corps of Engineers, lasting nearly nine months.
Out of this relationship with the Puerto Rican people, and our ongoing desire to provide opportunities to people in need, while in support a U.S. territory, FREEDOM RESOURCE GROUP was born.

To make a difference...
FREEDOM has an established and talented team of Puerto Rican nationals based in country, with the right hearts and motives working tirelessly to recruit workforce professionals to bridge our labor and manpower resources with your need.
We are committed to providing solid growth opportunities for our Puerto Rican employees and their families, and reliable, cost-effective, and long-term solutions for the companies we serve in the United States.
Our story is unique. Our workforce is industrious. Our difference is our people.
Making a difference – and not just a paycheck is more than just our slogan, it’s our core value. Put us to the test and see how FREEDOM can better serve your needs and help grow your organization.